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Earthquakes Catalogue for Kamchatka and the Commander Islands (1962–present)Strong Earthquakes CatalogueCatalogue of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms for Kamchatka and the Commander Islands 1970–2022
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Catalogue of Earthquake Focal Mechanisms for Kamchatka and the Commander Islands 1970–2022 (?)

Search parameters

Доступны землетрясения с Ks от 11.5 (Ml от 5)
Date and time (UTC) (?)
Start date and time ::00
End date and time ::59

type of catalog of focal mechanisms of earthquakes (?)
Energy class / Magnitude (Ks ≥ 11.5, M ≥ 5) (?)
Minimum: Maximum: Minimum: Maximum:
Geographic region ▼
Depth, km (?)
Central latitude
Central longitude
Minimum radius, km
Maximum radius, km
Seismicity zone ▼

Partitioning scheme of the Kamchatka region
to seismic zones (?)
Карта зон Камчатского региона
Output format ▼

Data use rules

Kamchatka Branch of GS RAS / Laboratory of Unified Processing / SDIS